Вплив типу навчальних закладів на особливості сформованості професійної толерантності керівників загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів (Relationship between secondary school types and levels of secondary school principals’ professional tolerance)
Journal Title: Організаційна психологія. Економічна психологія - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 1
The article presents the results of empirical research on organizational and professional factors in the formation of secondary school principals’ professional tolerance, in particular, the type of school. The investigation showed that the emergence of new types of schools was caused by the following preconditions: a new stage of social development and, as a result, new social requirements (educating the citizens of Ukraine who should be capable to live in market conditions and be competitive); the real experience of development of different types of secondary schools in Ukraine; a well-tuned system of specialized schools, a vast network of which is traditionally present in the Ukrainian system of education; rich experience of schools that focus on certain academic subjects; a great variety of electives, clubs, etc.; new relevant achievements in psychological and pedagogical sciences. The author found the relationship between the secondary school types and the levels of different components of school principals’ professional tolerance (proper management tolerance, tolerance for interaction with the subjects of the educational process, self-tolerance, as well as their elements). The obtained data on school principals’ organizational and professional characteristics can be helpful in developing professional selection criteria for the leading positions in secondary schools. The author makes a conclusion about the necessity of development of school principals’ professional tolerance in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education.
Authors and Affiliations
Оlexandra Brukhovetska
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