Все розпочалося з пам’ятника Лесі Українки або початок співпраці з Саскачеванським університетом
Journal Title: Історико-політичні проблеми сучасного світу - Year 2016, Vol 33, Issue
While writing his memoir, the author highlights the root causes of Collaboration University of Sas-katchewan and State University of Chernivtsi Agreement. In June, 1977 on behalf of Professor Kon-stiantyn Chervinskyi – the-then Rector of State University of Chernivtsi, the author had the honour to meet in Kyiv Robert Begg – the President of University of Saskatchewan. What is more, during this crucial meeting the author initiated the talks concerning further fruitful collaboration between univer-sities. Interestingly, the actual inter-university collaboration has started taking its shape since 1976, when a bronze statue of Lesya Ukrayinka, made in Kyiv (Ukraine in former USSR) by sculptor Halyna Kalchenko and architect Anatoliy Ihnashchenko, was unveiled at the University of Saskatchewan (Sascatoon). The monument was presented to the University by the Association for Cultural Relations with Ukrainians Abroad. Significantly, it was the Association that invited the Rector of University of Sas-katchewan and his wife to pay an official visit to Ukraine. The Rector himself suggested signing the agreement with one of the universities of West Ukraine. Symbolically, State University of Chernivtsi was targeted by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. Of particular value were the provisions of University of Saskatchewan agreement. They supported the study of the language, culture and history of Ukraine. Furthermore, the agreement aimed at academic and cultural exchanges of faculty, scholars and students at the post-secondary level. This was unprecedented formal agreement between a North American university and a university in Ukraine. Noteworthy, Collaboration agreement was solemnly concluded by both Rectors on June 5, 1977 in compliance with the sticking points of the Canadian part. Regrettably, the former USSR’s (Mocsow) authorities amended the agreement, excluding the point of students’ exchange program. In terms of the Canadian students, they were able to come and study at State University of Chernivtsi; our students, however, were forbidden to cross the borders of the USSR. Instead, the faculty of our university en-joyed the right to go on their sabbatical to Saskatoon. Paying the tribute to University of Saskatche-wan, the author extends his gratitude to its authorities. Nevertheless, after the USSR collapse, the stu-dents of State University of Chernivtsi got an excellent opportunity to study in Canada. To conclude, the Agreement prolongs its validity. To be more precise, the Chernivtsi-Saskatoon Universities’ Col-laboration Agreement will celebrate its 40th anniversary in 2017. According to the author, the agree-ment has quite a reasonable right to be extended.
Authors and Affiliations
Yuriy Makar
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