W sprawie problemów intertemporalnych związanych z wejściem w życie art. 119 1a Kodeksu rodzinnego i opiekuńczego
Journal Title: Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych - Year 2016, Vol 50, Issue 2
The purpose of this article is to provide an exhaustive analysis of selected intertemporal issues arising in connection with the approval and entry into force of Article 119 [1a] of the Polish Family and Guardianship Code (KRO). In particular, its aim is to answer whether a consent for adoption, as specified in former Article 119 KRO, would remain binding after the entry into force of the amendment. Consequently, whether the court in which the adoption process was started under the former provision, would be bound by a consent expressed on its grounds even after the entry into force of the new Article 119 [1a] KRO. It was es‑ tablished that the consent to the adoption, expressed according to Article 119 KRO, would remain valid under the new (current) state of law. Consequently, it is binding on the court hearing the adoption application, even if the proceedings had not been completed before the entry into force of the Article 119 [1a] KRO. This binding aspect, of course, does not impose on the court an obligation to make an adoption order in favour of an entity (entities) named in the declaration of consent made by parents (on the basis of relevant provisions of KRO, the court may recognize, in particular, that it would be contrary to the interests of the child), however, it excludes an adoption order in favour of others. Firstly, this result appears to be completely unambiguous in the light of linguistic interpretation principles. Secondly, the linguistic result is, again unambiguously, confirmed by the system directives as consistent with principle of non-retroactivity (lex retro non agit) which is not only normatively understood but also descriptively recognized.
Authors and Affiliations
Krzysztof Mularski
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