W sprawie sposobu obliczania terminu wyznaczonego na złożenie zdania odrębnego do stanowiska Komisji Śledczej
Journal Title: PRZEGLĄD SEJMOWY - Year 2019, Vol 154, Issue 5
In the opinion, the legal analysis of the issue concerning the manner of setting the time limit by an investigative committee for submitting a dissenting opinion on the committee’s position is presented. The author points to the fact that the time limit does not result from a statute but is a committee’s incidental procedural decision. In the system of law there are no uniform, universal rules for calculating the time limits set in provisions. Calculating the time limit set by commissions results from customary rules and there are no normative grounds for applying the manner of calculating the time limit provided for in other provisions of law. In particular factual circumstances, a committee shall consider expediency of including dissenting opinions on the committee’s report submitted after the time limit, taking into account the fact that it would serve to respect the statutory right of the minority of committee’s members and would express the conviction that decisions of investigative committees are made on the basis of an impartial analysis of factual state and do not involve eliminating views of those who regard the examined circumstances differently.
Authors and Affiliations
Wojciech Odrowąż-Sypniewski
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