Mołdawia: postanowienie nr 21 z 24 czerwca 2015 r. o wykładni art. 69 ust. 2, art. 70 ust. 1, art. 99 i art. 100 Konstytucji Republiki Mołdawii (niepołączalność mandatu parlamentarnego)
Journal Title: PRZEGLĄD SEJMOWY - Year 2019, Vol 150, Issue 1
The judgment refers to incompatibility of the parliamentary mandate in Moldova. The Constitutional Court of Moldova interpreted Article 69 para. 2, Article 70 para. 1, Article 99 and Article 100 of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova at the motion of a group of Deputies to the parliament. The Constitutional Court considered three related cases: the legal mode of incompatibility of the office of a Deputy with other offices; the effects of incompatibility of the office of a Deputy with other offices; the effects of incompatibility of the office of a Deputy with the office of a member of the government who had submitted a resignation.
Authors and Affiliations
Andrzej Pogłódek
Współpraca parlamentów narodowych z Parlamentem Europejskim w zakresie tworzenia prawa
The article presents relations between parliaments of the European Union Member States (Poland, France, Sweden) and the European Parliament, from the perspective of the few years that had passed since the Treaty of Lisbo...
Formuła francuskiej dwuizbowości w świetle rozwiązań ustrojowych V Republiki
The article deals with the formula of bicameralism implemented on the basis of institutional scheme adopted in the Constitution of France of 4 October 1958. By providing an analysis of specific aspects of a broader law-m...
Mołdawia: Postanowienie Sądu Konstytucyjnego z 20 stycznia 2015 r. nr 2 o wykładni art. 1 ust. 3 w związku z art. 69 i 70 Konstytucji Republiki Mołdawii (immunitet i wygaśnięcie mandatu deputowanego)
Judgment no. 2 of the Constitutional Court of Moldova of 20 January 2015 refers to the issue of parliamentary immunity and the cases of termination of a mandate of a member of Parliament as foreseen by the Constitution o...
Notatka na temat wątpliwości prawnych związanych z postanowieniem Sądu Najwyższego z 2 sierpnia 2018 r. (sygn. akt III UZP 4/18) w kontekście prawa polskiego
The note points to the fact that the interpretation of Article 734 and Article 755 of the Code of Civil Procedure adopted by the Supreme Court in its decision of 2 August 2018 (ref. no. III UZP 4/18) finds no confirmatio...
Czy rok 1468 można uznać za początek polskiego parlamentaryzmu i z jakich powodów?
The opinion deals with the question of whether and for what reasons, 1468 can be regarded as first year of Polish parliamentarism. The answer of the author, a researcher and expert in the history of old Polish parliament...