Waiting for the US Grand Strategy on China. A Summary of Findings and Recommendations of the US-China Security Review Commission in 2002–2018.
Journal Title: Kwartalnik "Bellona" - Year 2019, Vol 696, Issue 1
The article is a summary of works of almost two decades of the US-China Security Review Commission. As the US Congress notices the challenges posed by China to a wide spectrum of US interests and orders the US President to develop a comprehensive strategy on China, author highlights that such an awareness was already present among US officials much earlier. Article focuses on three key areas, i.e.: geostrategic posture, military posture and technological development, anticipating, that most of the problem defined by the Commission in these areas have not been eliminated and are most likely to be observed by the creator of the upcoming strategy. Author argues that China has a significant advantage over US, resulting from two major factors. First, its the inflow of capital followed by inflow of US technologies to Chinese industries and businesses. Second, it’s the centrally planned and governed Chinese system that allows CCP to steer the economy and society with higher predictability, as opposed to freedom-based economy on the US side, which is independent of the Congressional/ Administrational guidance.<br/>The article’s overall goal is to allow readers a better insight into the Presidential Strategy on China, which is to be published 180 days from the enactment of the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2019.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Adam Kubiak
Konstancja Markiewicz – kobieta wielkiego przełomu
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