Water Monitoring System for Hydroponics Agriculture


Hydroponics is a concept which is a part of hydro culture and is a method of growing plants in water , without soil using only the mineral nutrient solutions. The nutrients in hydroponics system can be from fish waste, normal nutrients, or duck manure. Hydroponics is a technique in which plant grow without using the soil. This technique take cares that the plant gets all nutrients which are required from the water solution. There are so many types of hydroponics technique. One of the techniques is Water Culture (WC). Water culture is a technique that supplies the nutrient directly to the root of the plant until the plant can be harvested. In this technique, the plant root will be always submerged into the water containing nutrient and oxygen. In this research, the pH level in water solution, water conductivity and the water luminosity which gives bad effect on growing of the plants will be automatically monitor by microcontroller ARM7 and sensors. The proposed system automatically monitors the parameters ph, luminosity and conductivity which are very important for plant growth. Luminosity is the very important factor for the any plant in growth. Requirement of luminosity is vary with plant and the luminosity is vary with environment. So, in proposed system luminosity is monitor and control .

Authors and Affiliations

Jyoti Vilas Gosavi


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Jyoti Vilas Gosavi (2017). Water Monitoring System for Hydroponics Agriculture. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 5(7), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-24841