Water quality indices and abiotic characteristics of western Yamuna canal in Yamunanagar, Haryana, India

Journal Title: Journal of Applied and Natural Science - Year 2009, Vol 1, Issue 2


The present paper deals with the monthly variations of physico-chemical characteristics of western Yamuna canal water, Yamunanagar which is polluted with industrial effluents and domestic sewage. Three sampling points i.e. station-1: Upstream of the river; station-2: Point of influx of industrial effluents and domestic sewage; Station-3: About 6 kms downstream from station 2 were selected for the investigation. Studies revealed high values of turbidity, conductivity, free CO2 , alkalinity, calcium, hardness, magnesium, chloride, orthophosphate, phosphate, sulphate and ammonia and low values of DO at station-2. The differences in various parameters were statistically significant (P<0.05) when compared from upstream and downstream stretches of the river particularly in summer. DO and BOD were found to be two important parameters which showed strong correlation with other parameters and hence can serve as good indices of river water quality. Water Quality index designated station-1 as highly polluted and station-2 and 3 as severely polluted. Thus the hydro biological conditions were not congenial/ optimum for the survival/ production of sensitive fish fauna, therefore, proper and efficient treatment of the effluents and sewage should be carried out before discharging these into the canal.

Authors and Affiliations

Anita Bhatnagar, Girish Chopra, Priyanka Malhotra


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  • EP ID EP152192
  • DOI 10.31018/jans.v1i2.55
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How To Cite

Anita Bhatnagar, Girish Chopra, Priyanka Malhotra (2009). Water quality indices and abiotic characteristics of western Yamuna canal in Yamunanagar, Haryana, India. Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 1(2), 149-154. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-152192