Weeds: reserves of parasitic phytonematode species populations

Journal Title: Новітні агротехнології - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 5


Purpose. Analysis of domestic and foreign literature on the role of alternative weed hosts of phytonematode families Heteroderidae and Meloidogynidae. Results. The nematodes of the Heteroderidae family can be hosted by 350 species of weeds from 40 families and 155 genera. Most of these weeds belong to five families: Chenopodiaceae (37 species from three genera), Solanaceae (44 species from 6 genera), Poaceae (47 species from 24 genera), Brassicaceae (67 species from 29 genera) and Fabaceae (85 species out of 25 genera) and have a total of 280 species of 87 genera. Weeds belonging to the families Lathurus (13 species), Vicia (15 species), Chenopodium (14 species) and Solanum (30 species) generally comprise 72 nematode host species. All other genera have fewer than 10 species of weed hosts. Nematodes of the Meloidogynidae family can be hosted by 994 weed species from 118 families and 487 genera. The greatest number of weeds that host parasitic nematodes belong to five families: Fabaceae (308 species), Asteraceae (267 species), Poaceae (8 species), Solanaceae (155 species) and Amaranthaceae (89) and among the families Solanum (61 species), Amaranthus (40 species), Trifolium (36 species), Nicotiana (30 species), Chenopodium and Euphorbia (each 28 species). Conclusions. In order to develop a joint strategy of effective protection of crops from weeds and parasitic nematode species, the biological and ecological characteristics of these harmful organisms should be thoroughly studied and the factors that would reduce their negative impact on plants and prevent crop losses to establish should be found.

Authors and Affiliations

K. A. Kalatur, L. A. Pylypenko


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  • EP ID EP614353
  • DOI 10.21498/na.5.2017.122232
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How To Cite

K. A. Kalatur, L. A. Pylypenko (2017). Weeds: reserves of parasitic phytonematode species populations. Новітні агротехнології, 0(5), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-614353