What is teachers’ knowledge about diabetes?
Journal Title: Current Problems of Psychiatry - Year 2013, Vol 14, Issue 3
Diabetes mellitus type 1 (DM1) is one of the most often occurring chronic diseases in children. Young patients spend about a quar-ter of their lives at school. Therefore, care about a good metabolic control of disease may be partially dependent on the commitment and awareness of teachers. The aim of the study was to evaluate teachers’ knowledge concerning DM and hypoglycemia. The research was conducted among 581 teachers, with the use of authorship questionnaire containing 29 closed-ended and semi-open ended questions. Only half of respondents knew what hypoglycemia was and could point to its symptoms. Few teachers knew how to help in case of hypoglycemia, more often they were women than men. Checking of glucose level or making injections during classes was intolerable in the opinion of 12.39% of teachers. Eating during classes was a problem for 6.89% and men tended to be more restrictive. The knowledge about ways of helping children suffering from DM was very important for 94.82% of respondents. Teachers (both men and wom-en) who suffered from DM and/or had positive family history better estimated their knowledge. Teaching children suffering from DM1 was connected with better self-esteem of knowledge concerning the disease only in the group of men. The knowledge of teachers concerning DM is insufficient, even among those who were teaching children suffering from DM1. The poor knowledge concerned the skills and proceeding during episodes of hypoglycemia.
Authors and Affiliations
Iwona Chmiel-Perzyńska, Marek Derkacz, Agnieszka Kowal, Ewelina Grywalska, Adam Perzyński, Andrzej Nowakowski
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