What makes good teaching? Students’ view of effective teaching in language and language teacher education programs at a university (primary research)
Journal Title: Konteksty Pedagogiczne - Year 2017, Vol 9, Issue 2
The paper aims to define a workable model of good pedagogy for the purpose of evaluation of university teaching based on student ratings. Firstly, it reviews definitions of effective teaching and ways of measuring it. Then, the model of good pedagogy selected for its suitability for evaluation by university student ratings is introduced (Webb & Vallero, 2017). The next part of the study examines data from student evaluation of university subjects to determine the elements of good pedagogy most relevant to the learners in that particular educational context. Finally, the paper proposes a new model for the purpose of evaluation of good university teaching based on student ratings.
Authors and Affiliations
Beata Webb, Alicia Vallero
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