Why Evolution Fails the Test of Science

Journal Title: Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy - Year 2012, Vol 9, Issue 0


There is, as evolutionists like to say, a mountain of evidence for Charles Darwin’s theory. But quantity does not always make for quality. For the most part, this evidence falls into three categories: comparative anatomy, small-scale change, and the fossil record. We will survey each category and see the same pattern in each case: only when used selectively or superficially does the evidence support evolution. When carefully considered, the evidence is ambiguous and even argues against evolution. The evidence for the theory of evolution are assessed on religious grounds, based on presuppositions about the nature of God and what this God would and would not do. It would be far more accurate to view Darwinian evolution as a religious theory that has penetrated natural science rather than as a scientific theory that impinges on our religious understandings. In purporting to keep science free from religion, evolution foists religion on science and thereby subverts the very integrity of science. Evolutionists have consistently promoted their theory as an objective conclusion based on a purely scientific analysis of the data. This is simply inaccurate. Evolution is an unlikely story fueled by theological presuppositions and religious sentiment, not scientific reasoning.

Authors and Affiliations

Cornelius Hunter


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How To Cite

Cornelius Hunter (2012). Why Evolution Fails the Test of Science. Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy, 9(0), 53-78. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-87150