This article presents the main legal acts regulating environmental monitoring carried out within the boundaries of protected areas in Ukraine as well as the “Chronicles of Nature” as the main tool for its implementation....
The changes in distribution of perch Perca fluviatilis in upper San river and its tributaries upstream dam reservoir Solina were determinated. Possible directions of further expansion of this species in the territory of...
The most interesting finding is Pyrochroa serraticornis recorded for the first time in the Bieszczady Mts. Only 1 individual was observed on shrubs in Wołosatka stream valley on the 27 of May 2009. The new site of the r...
EP ID EP119430
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Magdalena Niewinna (2010). Wielkość opadu i tempo rozkładu ściółki w wybranych drzewostanach Bieszczadów. Roczniki Bieszczadzkie, 18(1),
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Monitoring in protected areas of the Ukrainian part of the Eastern Carpathians
This article presents the main legal acts regulating environmental monitoring carried out within the boundaries of protected areas in Ukraine as well as the “Chronicles of Nature” as the main tool for its implementation....
Expansion of perch Perca fluviatilis L. in the Bieszczady National Park
The changes in distribution of perch Perca fluviatilis in upper San river and its tributaries upstream dam reservoir Solina were determinated. Possible directions of further expansion of this species in the territory of...
Zmiany struktury użytkowania gruntów na terenie obecnego Parku Narodowego Połoniny (Słowacja) w wyniku przemian społeczno-ekonomicznych
Jubileusz 90-lecia Profesora Stepana Stojko
The new and rare species of beetles Coleoptera recorded in the Bieszczady National Park in 2009
The most interesting finding is Pyrochroa serraticornis recorded for the first time in the Bieszczady Mts. Only 1 individual was observed on shrubs in Wołosatka stream valley on the 27 of May 2009. The new site of the r...