Wireless Enabled Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Network Application Using Asterisk PBX
Journal Title: EAI Endorsed Transactions on Internet of Things - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 15
This paper reechoes the need to use VOIP-based communication channels in order to reduce the heavy cost burden of communication in Sub Saharan Africa and other developing countries. We focus specifically on the context of the campus environment and implement IP PBX to cut down the cost of placing and receiving voice calls, instant messaging and voice mails with other colleagues connected to an Asterisk server on WIFI-enabled networks. We are motivated by the ease and cost-effectiveness of setting up WIFI-enabled IP network infrastructure which in recent times could be extended to allow inter-institutional linkage to allow collaboration and research.
Authors and Affiliations
Euclid Narte Odjidja, Salah Kabanda, William Akotam Agangiba, Richard Kofi Annan
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