This article provides the reader with an overview of selected aspects of cultural significance of grime music and related phenomena. This musical genre creates an explicit background of contemporary social relations exis...
Robert Dudziński (2014). Wobec nierozwiązywalnej sprzeczności. Film milicyjnych procedur w systemie gatunkowym lat 60.. Kultura Popularna, 2(40),
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Publicystki lwowskiej „Awangardy” o „sprawach teatru, kina i radia”
Stereo Vision and the Imaginary Man. The Influence of 3D Technology on the Experience of the Film Viewer
Grime jako muzyka i etnografia kryzysu
This article provides the reader with an overview of selected aspects of cultural significance of grime music and related phenomena. This musical genre creates an explicit background of contemporary social relations exis...
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