Women Empowerment Scenario: Bangladesh Perspective
Journal Title: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention - Year 2018, Vol 7, Issue 6
Empowerment of women is such a process which controls women rights, challenges and gender disparity in parental and social institutions. The socio-economic condition refers to the social dignity, educational qualifications, family marriage system, mother, social value, occupation salary and wealth etc. The Bangladeshi women have made massive gains since the country achieved its independence in 1971. During the last four decades a significant achievement has been recorded in political empowerment, better job prospects, improved education and the adoption of new laws to protect their rights. This paper examines the contribution of women entrepreneur in different sectors of business and commerce that contribute to the national economic development in Bangladesh. The sectors to which they contribute most are Agriculture, Readymade Garments and Small Business Enterprises. A large majority of the households in Bangladesh depend upon agriculture and related activities like livestock rearing, fisheries and forestry. The ready-made garment (RMG) industry of Bangladesh started in the late 1970s and became an important player in the economy. The industry has contributed to export earnings, foreign exchange earnings, employment creation, poverty alleviation and the empowerment of women. SME plays a significant role in the economy and it is also considered a major sector to contribute to sustainable development of our country. In Bangladesh SME provides over 87% of the total industrial employment and is responsible for the creation of over 33% of industrial value added goals. At present women entrepreneurs constitute less than 10% of the total business entrepreneur in Bangladesh.
Authors and Affiliations
Roksana Akhter, Sabiha Binta Hasan, Subrata Saha, Al Amin Al Abbasi
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