Wpływ nieprzeżytej żałoby w rodzinie na funkcjonowanie i rozwój dziecka

Journal Title: Psychiatria Polska - Year 2013, Vol 47, Issue 5


The aim of the work is to present the influence of unreconciled grief in a family for functioning and growth of a child. The paper is based on some examples of clinical work from the field of family therapy, where developmental problems of children followed their carer’s inability to cope with death and bereavement. Presented cases from family therapy serve as examples of possible therapeutic interventions in such situations. They show examples of developmental disturbances and psychopathology of the child who stays in relationship with deeply bereaved intimates.

Authors and Affiliations

Bernadetta Janusz, Lucyna Drożdżowicz


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How To Cite

Bernadetta Janusz, Lucyna Drożdżowicz (2013). Wpływ nieprzeżytej żałoby w rodzinie na funkcjonowanie i rozwój dziecka. Psychiatria Polska, 47(5), 865-873. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-120622