Wsparcie ogniowe w obronie manewrowej - Istota, wymagania i główne zadania artylerii
Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Sztuki Wojennej - Year 2011, Vol 2011, Issue 3
The article presents the idea, aim and main tasks of forces in defence. Basing on allied literature and selected national solutions, the author defmes differences and similarities and their influence on preparing and waging war. Manoeuvre defence conducted also in non-linear and continuous areas (not adherent and isolated from the combat) is discussed in detail. Moreover, requirements facing this type of operations addressed to the support system are defined. In addition, fire support system offorces in defence is characterized and fire support placed among remaining components of fighting system (function). They include combat, reconnaissance, command and control, force protection and logistic support. Then the requirements are discussed that the support system should meet in order to participate in operations conducted in accordance with an algorithm: detection, combat engagement, assault and effects assessment. The content and order of performing particular stages of the mentioned above algorithm by artillery support assets are presented. In the fmal part of the article, the main tasks carried out by artillery in particular stages of defence are discussed and conclusions concerning the conditions of their performance are drawn.
Authors and Affiliations
Tomasz Rubaj
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