Purpose: The aim of this study was an evaluation of hyperthermia plus radiotherapy as a treatment of lymph nodes and skin cancer metastases.
Material and method: The material comprised of 48 metastatic lymph nodes and 1...
Small-cell lung cancer provides clinicians with a paradox. Although it is a highly chemosensitive disease, it remains ultimately fatal for the majority of patients. The majority of patients respond to first-line chemothe...
A case of a 64-year old male with multiple bone metastases is presented. Because of elevated serum PSA level an oligobiopsy of the prostate was performed and a single focus of grade 1 prostatic cancer was found. The pati...
Przewlekła białaczka limfocytowa B-komórkowa stanowi ok. 20–30% wszystkich białaczek u dorosłych. W 90% przypadków zachorowania dotyczą osób po 60. roku życia, a mężczyźni chorują 2-krotnie częściej niż kobiety. W osta...
Superficial hyperthermia plus radiotherapy as a palliative treatmento lymph nodes and skin cancer metastases
Purpose: The aim of this study was an evaluation of hyperthermia plus radiotherapy as a treatment of lymph nodes and skin cancer metastases. Material and method: The material comprised of 48 metastatic lymph nodes and 1...
High-dose chemotherapy supported with autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplant in small-cell lung cancer
Small-cell lung cancer provides clinicians with a paradox. Although it is a highly chemosensitive disease, it remains ultimately fatal for the majority of patients. The majority of patients respond to first-line chemothe...
Zalecenia diagnostyczno-terapeutyczne dla wybranych nowotworów głowy i szyi. Rak szczęki i rak kompleksu nosowo-sitowego
Coexistence of prostate cancer and disseminated hepatocellular carcinoma - a case report
A case of a 64-year old male with multiple bone metastases is presented. Because of elevated serum PSA level an oligobiopsy of the prostate was performed and a single focus of grade 1 prostatic cancer was found. The pati...
Postępy w leczeniu przewlekłej białaczki limfocytowej B-komórkowej
Przewlekła białaczka limfocytowa B-komórkowa stanowi ok. 20–30% wszystkich białaczek u dorosłych. W 90% przypadków zachorowania dotyczą osób po 60. roku życia, a mężczyźni chorują 2-krotnie częściej niż kobiety. W osta...