Wybrane aspekty opieki pielęgniarskiej w opiece nad pacjentem w podeszłym wieku z przewlekłą obturacyjną chorobą płuc - studium przypadku
Journal Title: Innowacje w Pielęgniarstwie i Naukach o Zdrowiu - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 4
Introduction. COPD is a chronic pulmonary progressively increasing the number of morbidity and mortality. It is characterized by progressive and irreversible airflow limitation by inhalation. It has been shown that the disease is diagnosed here it is nearly 8-10% of Europeans after 30 years of age. As people age significantly increasing incidence of chronic diseases. Case Presentation. Case report refers to a patient at the age of 65 sufferers of COPD. It also includes nursing problems that occur in the patient and interventions that should take a nurse, to reduce or eliminate diagnosed and observed problems. The presented case study is a description of the theoretical. Discussion. COPD because of its chronic nature and wide dissemination is considered one of the most important public health problems. The incidence increases with age. It was noted that the peak incidence occurs most often in the sixth decade of life. The main role of nurses in the care of patients with this disease entity is to perform professional tasks care, treatment, rehabilitation and diagnostics. A significant aspect is also education, which should be carried out by nurses during the patient's stay in the ward. Conclusions. In the face of more and worse psychosocial functioning of older people with COPD it would be worthwhile to consider introduction of screening tests for the early detection of this disease, for example in primary care. It should also seek to introduce a number of programs to counter COPD, as well as public awareness of COPD identification of a separate entity, rather than equating it with a natural part of the aging process.
Authors and Affiliations
Karolina Filipska
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