Wykorzystanie Internetu w turystyce na przykładzie działań organizacji zarządzających obszarami recepcji turystycznej na rzecz modeli w e-biznesie
Journal Title: Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu - Year 2015, Vol 50, Issue 3
The present article covers one of the elements of the use of the Internet in the activities pursued by European destination management organizations (DMOs), namely an implementation of business to business (B2B) models and business to customer (B2C) models. The paper presents the results of research carried out among 184 national and regional DMOs. The main objective was to examine the interest of the organizations in the implementation of both models, thus showing the percentage of DMOs applying these solutions. As demonstrated based on the organizations analysed, the issue is quite common, and it is undertaken by the majority of the entities studied. Among the objectives of the article there was also an attempt to examine differences between DMOs that represent two European regions, i.e. Western Europe and Central-Eastern Europe. The analysis of this question is preceded by theoretical deliberations with reference to understanding DMOs and the use of the Internet in the activities pursued by these organizations.
Authors and Affiliations
Jacek Borzyszkowski
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