Wyniki operacyjnego leczenia otosklerozy u chorych po wykonanej stapedotomii
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2013, Vol 67, Issue 3
Introduction: There are many ways of presenting the treatment's results for otosclerosis. Because of loss of the uniform standard, it is impossible to compare these results between various health centers. But the most important is, which way of presenting seems to be the best. Aim: The aim of the study was to propose a scheme of presenting the treatment's results for otosclerosis. Material and methods: In order to devise method, medical documentation of 81 patients, treated for otosclerosis in Otolaryngological and Oncological Laryngology Clinic with Audiology and Phoniatrics Department, was analysed retrospectively. Results: The received results were analysed for each patient and divided into 3 groups: first – changes of the air conduction, second – changes of the air-bone gap, third – changes of the bone conduction. The value of the air-bone gap is a measure of surgeon's effectiveness interpreting as the reconstruction of the conductive chain in the middle ear. The loss of bone conduction before and after the operation can evaluate the improving hearing after the operation of otosklerosis due to overclosure and also can take under consideration the sensoneurinal hearing loss induced by moving of the stapes. Only comparison these three parameters is correct to evaluate the operation's results, especially the air conduction. So that de Bruijn et al. proposed a diagram, called Amsterdam Evaluation Hearing Plots – AEHPs. That diagram compares the pre-operative mean air-bone gap to post-operative change of loss of air – conduction. Thanks to that, the over closure and post-operative sensorineurinal hearing loss were taken under consideration.
Authors and Affiliations
Wojciech Kaźmierczak, Joanna Janiak-Kiszka, Katarzyna Pawlak-Osińska, Paweł Burduk, Magdalena Dutsch-Wicherek
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