Wyniki wyborów prezydenckich, parlamentarnych i referendów na świecie w okresie od 1 kwietnia do 30 września 2016 roku
Journal Title: Studia Wyborcze - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue
Authors and Affiliations
Magdalena Wrzalik
Magdalena Wrzalik
Obraz kampanii wyborczej w wyborach prezydenta RP w latach 1990–2015 na podstawie wydatków wykazywanych w sprawozdaniach finansowych podmiotów zgłaszających kandydatów w tych wyborach
Depiction of election campaigns in the elections of the President of the Republic of Poland over the period of 1990–2015 on the basis of expenditure reported in financial statements by the entities that nominated the can...
Ujednolicenie unijnej ordynacji wyborczej – mrzonka czy realny projekt na przyszłość?
The European Parliament is the only institution of European Union’ political system, which is elected directly by the adult citizens of the Member States. After four decades from the first direct elections (1979) the EP...
Sprawozdanie z obchodów Światowego Dnia Wyborów, Toruń 1 lutego 2018 roku
Wybory i referendum ogólnokrajowe na polskich statkach morskich. Fakty, wnioski, spostrzeżenia
The article deals with the elections to the Sejm and the Senate, the presidential elections, the elections to the European Parliament as well as the nationwide referendum that are held on the Polish sea-going vessels (in...
Demokracja bezpośrednia w Słowenii / Direct democracy in Slovenia
Slovenia is one of those countries in Central and Eastern Europe, where referenda are often conducted at national level. Between 1996–2016 16 legislative referenda were held, and 22 subjects of the vote were decided by p...