Wypadki drogowe a obrażenia narządów wewnętrznych
Journal Title: Rehabilitacja w Praktyce - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 1
Traffic accidents are a serious challenge for emergency medical services. Operations at subsequent stages include the assessment of the accident site and the mechanism of potential injuries, as well as the evacuation, management and transportation of casualties to adequate medical centres.
Authors and Affiliations
Robert Kijanka, Marcin Mańkowski
Rehabilitacja pacjentów po złamaniu V kości śródstopia
About 30% of all bone injuries are foot bone injuries. Among these fractures one of the most common is the fracture of the fifth metatarsal, which is situated between the cuboid bone and the little finger. The injury con...
Wpływ cyklicznie podejmowanej fizjoterapii na sprawność funkcjonalną osób starszych po przebytym udarze mózgu
The aim of the paper is to evaluate the effect of cyclical physiotherapy in a hospital on the functional abilities of patients aged 60 years and more in the chronic phase after a stroke. Moreover, we have assessed whethe...
Radialna fala uderzeniowa w połączeniu z ćwiczeniami fizycznymi w leczeniu entezopatii. Opis przypadku
The aim of this paper was to enunciate the effectiveness of radial Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) and physical exercises in the treatment of various chronic enthesopathies. The paper presents the cases of patie...
Platforma sensoryczna SensoDUO - nowe urządzenie do oceny i terapii zaburzeń czucia głębokiego
The SensoDUO sensory platform is a new device developed for the assessment and therapy of proprioceptive disorders in lower limbs. Using the platform we can reliable assess body balance and the ability to symmetrically d...
Wykorzystanie Testu Funkcji Ręki Jebsena - Taylora do oceny efektów kompleksowej rehabilitacji pacjentów z deficytami ruchowymi w kończynie górnej
The paper presents the methodology and possibilities of practical use of the Jebsen-Taylor Hand Physiotherapy Functional Test. Numerous studies confirmed by statistical analyzes indicate that this is a reliable and objec...