For almost two decades, since obtaining independence, Fiji has been viewed as an
example of perfect and successful operating democracy. There had been many internationally
recognised indicators proving the effectiveness...
Subjective security (security of a subject) is a state of a subject, his potential and abilities of adequate reaction to hazards as well as an issue of protecting a subject from any hazards. The first scientific analyses...
Celem artykułu jest porównanie Planów gospodarki niskoemisyjnej dwóch z pięciu
miast Polski o największym zapyleniu powietrza. Do analizy wybrano Nowy
Sącz, jako drugie w kolejności polskie miasto o najgorszej jakości po...
The article is describing the development of the organized crime in the Republic of Poland from 1989. A development of crime and her influence on coming into existence of the new democracy were described. The particular...
EP ID EP65258
Views 119
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How To Cite
Krzysztof Kaganek, Kuba Skwarczyński (2013). Wypadkowość i akcje ratownicze w Tatrach polskich w latach 2006-2011. Securitologia, 18(2),
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The state-building process in the South Pacific – the Fiji case
For almost two decades, since obtaining independence, Fiji has been viewed as an example of perfect and successful operating democracy. There had been many internationally recognised indicators proving the effectiveness...
Securitology – security of a subject
Subjective security (security of a subject) is a state of a subject, his potential and abilities of adequate reaction to hazards as well as an issue of protecting a subject from any hazards. The first scientific analyses...
Plan gospodarki niskoemisyjnej jako narzędzie walki ze smogiem – porównanie i ocena narzędzi PGN na przykładzie Katowic i Nowego Sącza
Celem artykułu jest porównanie Planów gospodarki niskoemisyjnej dwóch z pięciu miast Polski o największym zapyleniu powietrza. Do analizy wybrano Nowy Sącz, jako drugie w kolejności polskie miasto o najgorszej jakości po...
Nacjonalizm ukraiński jako czynnik destabilizujący bezpieczeństwo publiczne republiki Ukraina
Organized crime in the Republic of Poland after 1989
The article is describing the development of the organized crime in the Republic of Poland from 1989. A development of crime and her influence on coming into existence of the new democracy were described. The particular...