"Wystawy mniejsze

Journal Title: Sztuka i Dokumentacja - Year 2016, Vol 15, Issue 15


Smaller exhibitions I have entitled the four exhibitions by women artists from Cracow as “smaller exhibitions” in order to bring forward their specific nature, that is foremost a result of the approach of their authors towards the medium of exhibitions. To all women artists, curating is an incidental practice but reaching for the medium of exhibitions occasionally does not influence the value of the created exhibitions. The contemporary grammar of exhibitions known to them is subordinate to the personal statement being constructed, in which the works created by artist-curators are placed in the context of works by other women artists. Annemarie Frascoli and Eli Geisler in a project Erdhimel/Ustronie from 2002 feature a shared female experience of place by striping their works of signatures. The authorship is not important, however the issue of cooperation is highlighted, which strengthens the transfer of the multidimensional nature of the women authors experience. Beata Stankiewicz is the author of the exhibition Sprawy prywatne (Personal issues) that had three stages in different cities and spaces. The curator and artist when asked about the concept emphasised several times the spontaneous and “natural” character of work on the exhibition founded by good relations with other artists as well as by the idea/ideology of domesticity worked upon by them. Bożena Knecht who works under the alias of Momoko uses the medium of exhibition more often than Frascoli. The discussed event – Momoko 2 in the Cellar Gallery in Cracow – is, therefore, an activity singled out from the series of others. The episodic and ephemeral nature of the work – exhibition, describes Knecht’s works well as she builds the narration by clashing the intimate, fragmental statements by female artists that have a similar vein to her perception of art as a fully autonomic reality. The forth exhibition, Krzątaczki (Busy bees) in Cracow’s Dom Norymberski, differs from the others in its scale. Over a dozen women artists from different environments participated in it. The element that links this event to others is the dominant idea to build direct relationships between women artists and the local community of Cracow’s district of Kazimierz. The incidental nature of curatorial projects enables them to be located among the minority discourses corroding the discourse of a contemporary exhibition.

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Maria HUSSAKOWSKA (2016). "Wystawy mniejsze. Sztuka i Dokumentacja, 15(15), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-269131