Wyzwania stojące przed Wojskami Specjalnymi i możliwe kierunki ich rozwoju
Journal Title: Obronność - Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania i Dowodzenia - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 2
Polish Special Operations Forces (POLSOF) are one of five branches in the Polish Armed Forces. Thanks to their unique capabilities, selected personnel, and sophisticated equipment, they play a crucial role in the Polish national security system. However, the changes in international security environment, society, and technology meanthat POLSOF hasto face new challenges and to adapt to a new reality while keeping up their efficiency and being “a step ahead” with regard to new threats. In this paper, the author describes new contemporary challenges posed by the changing world and discusses what changes regarding POLSOF should be implemented to keep their effectiveness on top level.
Authors and Affiliations
Marek Gryga
Wyzwania stojące przed Wojskami Specjalnymi i możliwe kierunki ich rozwoju
Polish Special Operations Forces (POLSOF) are one of five branches in the Polish Armed Forces. Thanks to their unique capabilities, selected personnel, and sophisticated equipment, they play a crucial role in the Polish...
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