Wzajemne relacje pomiędzy myśleniem, widzeniem a rzeczywistością. W świetle uwag Władysława Strzemińskiego oraz Ludwika Flecka
Journal Title: Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, Sectio I Philosophia-Sociologia - Year 2010, Vol 35, Issue 2
An article presents some remarks on theory of vision by Ludwik Fleck and Władysław Strzemiński. The most interesting is resemblance beetwen thesis of outstanding microbiologist and well known painter and also historian of art. They both agree that there is no natural seeing, no „clear eye” watching a nature. Every observation in science or art depends on possessed knowledge called in Fleck’ s theory „thought style” and in Strzemiński’s terminology „perceptual awarness”. „Thought style” and „perceptual awarness” is formed by complicated historical process, not by an individual genius. Fleck and Strzemiński underline role of violence in perception, usually member of community can not think and see in a different way except own learn knowledge.
Authors and Affiliations
Michał Rydlewski
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