Характеристика вихідного матеріалу LOPHANTHUS ANISATUS BENTH. / Characteristics of the starting parent material of LOPHANTHUS ANISATUS BENTH.
Journal Title: Вісник Львівського національного аграрного університету. Агрономія - Year 2018, Vol 22, Issue
The article deals with and highlights the topical issues as to the perspective of growing and use and creation of the highly productive with the high yield of the productive raw material and the content of essential oils resistant to diseases and pests adaptive to the soil - climatic conditions of Ukraine of the source material and on the basis of the varieties of anise hyssop. We had been investigating the already formed collection of the starting parent material of anise hyssop, which contained only the sorts and varieties of the home selection during seven years of study. Morphological-biological characteristics and productivity of the samples had been studied in comparison with the conventionally accepted standard – sort Pochatok. A deep study of the collection samples of Lophanthus anisatus contributed to the establishment of a correlation dependence between important selection features and the allocation of the best ones to be involved in the breeding process. The terms of formation of productive raw materials (green mass at the beginning of flowering) were established. As a result of the conducted investigations, the samples of the source material, which have high parameters of the signs of productivity, high content of dry matter and essential oil, had been distinguished. The best were LAM-1 (10 of the signs: the period to the flowering phase, the plants‟ height, the bush diameter, the amount of stalks and of branches of the first order and the length of, inflorescence, plant‟s mass, yield and yield of raw materials, ), Leleka (6 of the signs: the period to the flowering phase, the plants‟ height, inflorescence, plant‟s mass, yield and yield of raw materials) and Blue giant (5 of the signs: the period to the flowering phase, the plants‟ height, plant‟s mass, yield and yield of raw materials).
Authors and Affiliations
S. Кormosh, M. Baselyuk
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