Селекція гречки для умов Лісостепу України / Selection of buckwheat for the conditions of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Using a hybridization method based on the samples of Fagopyrum Mill buckwheat collection, the valuable raw material with high yield and improved technological parameters of grain quality, adapted for the conditions of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine, was obtained. We selected a number of varieties and samples (12) conducted direct and reciprocal impregnating drying; a comparison of the new source material with Victoria standard variety and the original parental forms; on the basis of a comparative assessment established economically important indicators of grain buckwheat hybrids: the growing season, productivity and technological indicators of grain quality. Field researches 2015–2017 they were conducted in the breeding crop rotation of NDIKK named by. A. S. Alekseeva Podilsky state agrarian and engineering university, that located in the southern forest-steppe part of Khmelnytskyi region, which for heat and health and the moisture degree during the vegetation period refers to the southern warm agroclimatic region. The vegetation period duration, yield and individual technological parameters of the new initial buckwheat material are determined. The highest results were obtained in the selection material from crossing the varieties Ahidel, Karaketianka and № 4013 of French selection. Based on the study results of the new selection material in the breeding nursery, it should be noted that the duration of the growing season ranged from 82 to 90 days. The yield of the studied numbers varied from 30 to 173,0 g/м2. Higher yields compared to the standard variety were characterized by a new raw material obtained from the crossing of Ahidel and Karaketianka varieties with № 4013 introduced from France. Testing of promising samples is planned to continue in the control nursery. Varieties Ahidel, Karaketianka and collection sample № 4013 used in breeding programs as donors improved signs in buckwheat.

Authors and Affiliations

L. Bil’chinskaya, E. Kaminna, N. Diyanchuk


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How To Cite

L. Bil’chinskaya, E. Kaminna, N. Diyanchuk (2018). Селекція гречки для умов Лісостепу України / Selection of buckwheat for the conditions of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Вісник Львівського національного аграрного університету. Агрономія, 22(), 148-152. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-563921