Рівень ураженості зразків нуту залежно від фази розвитку рослин в умовах східної частини Лісостепу України / Affection levels of chickpea accessions depending on developmental phases of plants in the eastern Forest-Steppe Ukraine


High levels of ascochytosis-induced damage is a major factor limiting dissemination of chickpea. Creation of resistant cultivars is a priority trend in protection against the disease. To accomplish this, sources of resistance that are adapted to the cultivation conditions of a given region are needed. The weather conditions in May-June of 2016 contributed to ascochytosis affection of chickpea. The dependence of affection levels on developmental phases, during which plants were infected by Ascochyta was analyzed. A collection consisting of 109 chickpea accessions was screened for regenerative capacity against Ascochyta infection. It was revealed that in the eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine, desi accessions were more resistant (27 % of accessions) than kabuli ones (9 %). Of the test accessions, 39 % kabuli accessions and 3 % desi accessions died or did not form seeds. Two desi accessions gave healthy seeds, while no kabuli accessions produced healthy seeds. Low levels of damage were noted in 21 % and 39 % of kabuli and desi accessions, respectively; medium levels – in 10 % of kabuli and desi accessions (each); high levels – in 11 % and 19 % of kabuli and desi accessions, respectively; and very high levels – in 8 % and 3 % of kabuli and desi accessions, respectively. Upon early sowing, the maximum survival rates in accessions were noted (44 % and 67 % of kabuli and desi accessions, respectively). Accessions were grouped by their regenerative capacity: low, medium and high. Four kabuli accessions (LR 17-1 (Syria), Pax (Hungary), Sultan and Nezrin (Azerbaijan)) and 8 desi accessions (UD0500022 (Georgia), Koloryt and Pehas (Ukraine), Krasnokutskiy 123 Sovkhoznyy 14 and Krymskiy 25 (Russia), Dylan (USA), ICC 12512q (Canada)) with low levels of affection of plants and seeds were selected. Cultivars Dniprovskyi Vysokoroslyi and Dobrobut (kabuli) from Ukraine and breeding lines E 100 from Greece and R 919 from Russia (desi) were highlighted as sources of high regenerative capacity after Ascochyta infection at early stages. These accessions are valuable material to create new chickpea cultivars adapted to the eastern forest-steppe of Ukraine.

Authors and Affiliations

N. Vus, L. Kobyzeva


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How To Cite

N. Vus, L. Kobyzeva (2018). Рівень ураженості зразків нуту залежно від фази розвитку рослин в умовах східної частини Лісостепу України / Affection levels of chickpea accessions depending on developmental phases of plants in the eastern Forest-Steppe Ukraine. Вісник Львівського національного аграрного університету. Агрономія, 22(), 210-216. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-564624