
В статье проанализированы многочисленные вводные ретроспективные главы романа, сюжеты которых развиваются по децентрализованному принципу. Показано функционирование принципа «мирового древа», воплощенного во вводных главах. Рассмотрено важное свойство художественного мира романа, организованного по этому принципу, – всеохватность изображения. The plot and the composition of the novel by P. I. Melnikov-Pechersky «In the Woods» is worth analyzing. It was noted that the basis of its structure includes the decentralized principle of plot development with numerous introductory chapters having dynamics, as well as the storylines discreteness development and their place changes in the structure. All these aspects of the novel plot and composition were mentioned in the few works of F. M. Levin, L. M. Lotman, E. M. Meletinsky. L. A. Anninsky figuratively, but accurately described the concept of such an artistic material organization comparing the novel with a sprawling tree which throws out all the new branches, freely spreading into infinity. There is a feeling of a spreading sea, a growing tree, an endless life that does not have a form. The structure comparison of the novel «In the woods» with the «growing tree-tree» makes us recall the world or cosmic tree. This tree plays an organizing role not only in mythological systems, but also in mythopoetic structures, linking heaven and earth (the spatial sphere), as well as the past, present and future (temporal sphere) into the unity of the ordered cosmos. The guess about Melnikov's novel as mythopoetic was expressed back in the 1930s by G. S. Vinogradov. The researcher limited the mytho-poetic beginning of the novel to love storylines, when, in our opinion, the «geocosmic novel» is wider than the love story, and human life «is not distinguished from the life of the cosmic» in all its manifestations. While stuying the novel plot and the composition, the researchers paid attention to numerous «introductory» chapters which are not directly related to the plot, but are linked by the unity of the author's idea and are explained by the desire for epic (V. A. Volodina, L. M. Lotman), and they also slow down the action and contribute to the emergence of mystery. We believe that the false stories the most clearly embody the «world tree» principle («prapradrevo»), which, in turn, manifests a trichotomous space model, which lies in novel structure. Being independent enough from each other as branches of the «tree», these stories somehow have tendency, as to the trunk, to Chapurin plot and his family, clarifying the character features and livelihoods of the main character, but at the same time extending the time and space of action.

Authors and Affiliations

Лариса Сінявіна, Олена Долга, Неля Філяніна


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Лариса Сінявіна, Олена Долга, Неля Філяніна (2018). ХАРАКТЕРОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ ФУНКЦИЯ РЕТРОСПЕКЦИЙ В РОМАНЕ П. И. МЕЛЬНИКОВА-ПЕЧЕРСКОГО «В ЛЕСАХ». Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія, 11(19), 145-152. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-566332