Художня освіта та мистецтво аванґарду в Україні у контексті радянської соціалістичної програми
Journal Title: Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue
The study presents retrospectives of the early periods of the so-called “Soviet culture”, through the prism of historical and political events which occurred after 1917 when Soviet ideologists assigned to avant-garde art, in particular, to futurism and constructivism, to carry out their destructive work. The attention is drawn to historical preconditions of the formation and development of the new forms of the Ukrainian art education. The artistic works of 1920 designated out of passion of the prospects opened by cubofuturism, suprematism, and constructivism are analyzed. The unique features of works of prominent authors consist in their organic combination of social experiment of post – revolutionary epoch with the experiments of avant-garde arts. It is underlined that in particular avant-garde art impregnated by the ideas of futuristic utopia became a real foundation for the offi cial soviet art until 1932.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Inna Prokopchuk
Лексичний повтор в аксіологічних комунікативних актах персонажів у художньому тексті (на матеріалі сучасної української малої прози)
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