Yield and Nutritional Quality of Tomato as Affected by Chemical Fertilizer and Biogas Plant Residues
Journal Title: International Journal of Plant & Soil Science - Year 2016, Vol 13, Issue 2
A field experiment was conducted to study the effects of biogas plant residues (BPR) and NPK fertilizer on growth, yield and quality of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). The treatments were arranged in randomized block design with three replications. The results showed that application of BPR and NPK fertilizers significantly influenced the growth and yield of tomato compared to control treatment. BPR @ 50 t/ha produced the highest shoot and root dry weight and plant height at 30 and 45 days after transplantation (DAT). The highest number of fruits per plant, weight of fruits per plant and yield (t/ha) were also found with the same treatment. Application of inorganic fertilizer produced statistically similar number fruits per plant, weight of fruits per plant and yield (t/ha) to those found with BPR from 10 to 40 t/ha. There was no significant variation in single fruit of tomato among the treatments. Mineral nutrient content of tomato were not significantly affected by application of fertilizer and BPR except nitrogen in the fruit tissues. Protein content was decreased but lycopene content was increased by higher rates of BPR compared to control. BPR @ 20 t/ha has been suggested as an alternative to recommended level of chemical fertilizer in ensuring good performance in terms of yield and quality of tomato compared to other treatments in valley soils of Chittagong University campus in Bangladesh.
Authors and Affiliations
M. G. Kibria, M. Islam
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