Younger Children Reading in an Audiovisual Culture
Journal Title: Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce - Year 2017, Vol 12, Issue 3
The advent of audiovisual culture has activated and created new attitudes and needs in contemporary early school children than just a few years earlier. If we assume that a pupil brought up in such a reality is able to handle the code of new media, including TV, and his perception of the world is based on audiovisual perception, then the process of literary education at the first educational stage should be especially carefully thought out. For it is about choosing such texts which not only present the verbal art but also respond to a considerably redefined anthropological situation. Texts of audiovisual literature which are addressed to younger readers are consistent with such assumptions. These are texts which, as a result of exceeding the horizons reserved for only one artistic genre, harmonize with the natural, current abilities and demands of children. At the same time, they motivate them to engage in literary practice, enabling the development of reading competences and world recognition ability. This paper is an attempt to explain the role of audiovisual literature in the familiarization of pupils with reading against an outlined background and with the aid of exemplification. The thesis is examined that it is necessary to bring children at younger school up reading in such a way that it should contain literary texts which make use of the experiences and achievements of new media, connecting with them, and at the same time not losing their artistic values in the process. The presented examples and conclusions are to constitute a constructive answer to a given state of affairs.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Warzocha
Quel temps fait-il? Scenariusz zajęć j. francuskiego o pogodzie dla dzieci w wieku wczesnoszkolnym
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