Ambiguous status of adolescents who are no longer children, while not yet adults clearly attracted Aleksandr Kuprin’s attention. In his works we find a large group of teenage girls and boys. There are also both reflectio...
The review deals with the comparative analysis of the second edition of the book by Kharkiv literary critic, Doctor of Philology, Professor Leonid Genrikhovich Frizman (1935–2018) “In the circles of literary critics: Mem...
The article deals with the ways and aims of the research of the phrases of sound imitating the origin in the Russian language on the comparative basis. From the synchronous linguistic sucha point of view was spread over...
Zbigniew Opacki (2001). Z dziejów polskiej świadomości na Białorusi : przypadek Mariana Zdziechowskiego. ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA, 1(0),
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Trudna sztuka dorastania a świat bohaterów Aleksandra Kuprina
Ambiguous status of adolescents who are no longer children, while not yet adults clearly attracted Aleksandr Kuprin’s attention. In his works we find a large group of teenage girls and boys. There are also both reflectio...
O жизни, науке, судьбе
The review deals with the comparative analysis of the second edition of the book by Kharkiv literary critic, Doctor of Philology, Professor Leonid Genrikhovich Frizman (1935–2018) “In the circles of literary critics: Mem...
Ономатопея: языковая аномалия?
The article deals with the ways and aims of the research of the phrases of sound imitating the origin in the Russian language on the comparative basis. From the synchronous linguistic sucha point of view was spread over...
К вопросу исторической типологии славянских языков : (на материале истории слов с общеславянской группой *tъrt)
Фольклорний мотив "долі" на пограниччі слов'янських культур