Watching deaths belongs to natural human needs. Nowadays this need is fulfilled by popular culture. Here I am focusing on the last public statements by the late Polish VIPs and celebrities, recognized as the superstars o...
Being one of the most prominent figures of the New York avant-garde scene since the early 1980s of the 20th century – John Zorn is almost nonexistent in the Polish musical studies. Moreover, even though his art is densel...
Jak umierają współcześni bohaterowie i co po nich zostaje?
Watching deaths belongs to natural human needs. Nowadays this need is fulfilled by popular culture. Here I am focusing on the last public statements by the late Polish VIPs and celebrities, recognized as the superstars o...
Część I: Kino animowane "Od surrealizmu Themersonów po mroczną metafizykę Dumały". Część II: Media a wspólnoty i tożsamości kulturowe. Cały numer
Cały numer: kino animowane<br/><br/>
Gdzie i jak długo „żyje” blogowy post? Blogi w kulturze remiksu
Recenzje, relacje, omówienia.
Magdalena Kamińska, Niecne memy. Dwanaście wykładów o kulturze Internetu,
John Zorn. Jak być żydowskim postmodernistą (albo postmodernistycznym Żydem)?
Being one of the most prominent figures of the New York avant-garde scene since the early 1980s of the 20th century – John Zorn is almost nonexistent in the Polish musical studies. Moreover, even though his art is densel...