Z jaką dynamiką lodu należy wiązać formy szczelinowe? – przegląd badań


The paper presents discussion on crevasse fillings – one of a group of glacial forms whose formation is assigned by various authors to two peripheral dynamics of ice-sheet masses: stagnant ice and surging glaciers. Examples from literature of crevasse filling formation in these two states of dynamics are presented. The author makes an overview of documented in the literature examples of crevasse fillings forming in stagnant surging ice and discuss the differences between the group formed in stagnant and the group formed in surging ice. In the conclusion, the author proposes – at the background of references – assigning crevasse fillings to the surge dynamics of ice masses whereas glacial forms, which develop in stagnant ice crevasses, should not be termed crevasse fillings, but interpreted e.g. as kames, eskers, hummocky moraines.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Godlewska


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  • EP ID EP403011
  • DOI 10.17951/b.2015.70.2.27
  • Views 32
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How To Cite

Anna Godlewska (2015). Z jaką dynamiką lodu należy wiązać formy szczelinowe? – przegląd badań. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio B - Geographia, Geologia, Mineralogia et Petrographia, 0(2), 27-43. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-403011