Z rozważań nad dobrem gminy
Journal Title: Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue
The article includes considerations devoted to the good of the municipality: the contents that lie behind this concept, the connections between this good and other ones and the factors influencing its conformation. The municipality may be perceived as a small version of the homeland that fills the space between the family and the state-level community. Its residents create a self-government community by virtue of law. It serves the good of the commune, especially – its members. The good of the municipality is a primary value, underlying the existence of the local community, its prosperity, law and order. As a value itself, the good of a municipality should entrench other merits. The list of factors, building that complex and underdetermined term, is non-exhaustive and extensive. This good has also a relative nature. It may be featured from different points of view and in distinct contexts. Its relations to other goods may take different forms. There are various factors, deciding what constitutes such good. They are rooted in the very center of the community, as well as outside of it as the independent ones. Delineating and realization of the good of the municipality has to be based on the consensus reached through the discussion and the social compromise. The actions undertaken for the benefit of the municipality are closely correlated with the nature and the role of the primary territorial self-government unit. The good of the municipality – having regard to the respect for, in particular, the principles of humanism, legitimacy, equality, social justice, democratism, solidarity and subsidiarity – is a primary rationale for its existence and for entrusting public functions to the individuals acting for its benefit.
Authors and Affiliations
Zofia Duniewska
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