Zagadnienie tajemnicy zawodowej – analiza wybranych orzeczeń sądowych

Journal Title: Radca Prawny. Zeszyty naukowe - Year 2018, Vol 14, Issue 1


The obligation to maintain professional secrecy is an indispensable element of practicing as legal adviser. Over the years, this issue has been the subject of numerous court judgments, interpretations, commentaries, and discussions – mainly due to the lack of a legal definition of “professional secrecy” under Polish law. This article aims to briefly present selected court judgments regarding the professional secrecy of lawyers and discuss them with particular emphasis on practical issues, namely the scope of professional secrecy and the restrictions on the release the reform, as well as cases of releasing legal advisers from the obligation to maintain professional secrecy. Also mentioned are court judgments that refer to general issues related to professional secrecy, such as attempts to define and establish the boundaries of the term, the objective scope thereof, and issues related to securing documents covered by professional secrecy, which nowadays are of great significance mainly due to the use of electronic forms of communication between legal advisers and their clients.

Authors and Affiliations

Monika Glinka


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How To Cite

Monika Glinka (2018). Zagadnienie tajemnicy zawodowej – analiza wybranych orzeczeń sądowych. Radca Prawny. Zeszyty naukowe, 14(1), 9-26.