Загальна характеристика деліктних зобов'язань згідно з Галицьким цивільним кодексом 1797 року / The general characteristics of tort liabilities under the Galicia Civil Code 1797

Journal Title: Університетські наукові записки - Year 2015, Vol 14, Issue 2


UK Аналізуються питання, присвячені розкриттю особливостей регулювання зобов'язань, які виникають на підставі вини, згідно з першою кодифікацією цивільного законодавства у світі — Галицьким цивільним кодексом 1797 року. Розкриваються, зокрема, положення згаданого законодавчого акта щодо поняття вини, її видів, форм, порядку відшкодування завданої шкоди в певних випадках, значення форми вини для розміру відшкодування, підстав звільнення від відшкодування завданої шкоди тощо. Робиться висновок про прогресивність положень Галицького цивільного кодексу у сфері зобов'язань, які виникають на підставі вини, та їхнє неоціненне значення для розвитку деліктних зобов'язань в майбутньому. Мова йде, в першу чергу, про такі важливі положення, передбачені в Галицькому цивільному кодексі, як: можливість відшкодування моральної шкоди, поділ правопорушень на державні та приватні, можливість притягнення заподіювачів шкоди до солідарної відповідальності, розмежування безпосереднього відшкодування завданої шкоди та сатисфакції та ряд інших. EN The article analyzes the peculiarities of legal regulation of obligations arising from guilt according to the rules of the first codification act in civil law — the Galician Civil Code 1797. The Galician Civil Code differentiated the two types of guilt — public and private, given that the result of such act or omission or violate the interests of civil society as a whole, or only individuals. Thus, public guilt always entails a punishment, while private — determines the origin of the obligation to eliminate violations and compensate the damage. Interestingly, in a case of combining in a single act the private and public guilt will take place both punishment and compensation. According to the Galician Civil Code if a public guilt is minor violations of public order or refusal to perform the public service, as a rule, the act is nominated the state or other civil offenses. If the public peace and security violated any criminal offense under the criminal law such guilt is called crime. It should be noted that there were differentiated the state and civil infractions that stemmed from public law legal, financial, tax and other similar regulations in the Austrian Empire. The Galician Civil Code established the conditions necessary for repayment. Thus, for compensation was required so that thing has been restored to its previous state or refunded the price paid for the thing. The law distinguished between so-called direct provision of compensation and satisfaction. In the case of compensation for damage is damage caused to respect existing property that existed at the time of infliction, it is the direct provision of compensation. In the case of compensation for loss of profits and eliminate illegal act or offense occurs satisfaction. It is worth looking at understanding the fault according to the Galician Civil Code. In particular, there is a fault on the basis of the defect consciousness or will, which could not be avoided. As follows from the provisions of the Galician Civil Code the latter singled out two forms of guilt — malice and negligence depending on the degree of freedom’s relationship. It is now codified act distinguished between different types of negligence. There is important provision of the Galician Civil Code according to which all reimburse damage in case of negligence or intent, except as the latter only to owner of harm, unless this case is not preceded by any illegal act or will otherwise provided by contract or law. Separately the Galician Civil Code governs cases of damage to the fault of a few individuals. Yes, as mentioned in the Code, a situation may arise when several people related to some illegal actions each individual will be subjected to personal punishment corresponding to his wine. Notably the Galician civil code establishes a direct link between the form of guilt and compensation for damages. Thus, one who admitted negligence only obliged to compensate the damage, and the one who acted intentionally, in addition to compensation must also make satisfaction. It is interesting that the Galician Civil Code mentions cases of damages caused by infringement of moral rights as the right to liberty and security, as well as honor, dignity and reputation. The above gives reason to assert that consolidation in the Galician Civil Code refundable not only property damage but also compensation for moral damages in certain cases. Thus the provisions of the Galician Civil Code regarding regulatory obligations arising from guilt deserve the highest praise because of their implementation of basic principles for regulating these relations which remain topical today.

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Оксана БЛАЖІВСЬКА (2015). Загальна характеристика деліктних зобов'язань згідно з Галицьким цивільним кодексом 1797 року / The general characteristics of tort liabilities under the Galicia Civil Code 1797. Університетські наукові записки, 14(2), 60-68. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-424848