Zakażenia patogenami alarmowymi na Oddziale Otolaryngologicznym Szpitala Dziecięcego im. prof. dr. med. Jana Bogdanowicza w latach 2005-2008
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2009, Vol 63, Issue 6
Introduction: The development of medicine, in this the new techniques and antibiotic therapy enlarged the survivability of patients in hospital. Applying antibiotics caused breakthrough in treatment stepping out in ill’s group infections treated in hospital, however enlarging resistance is natural this effect, resulting from: the selection of resistant strains, the formation of new mechanisms of resistance, and/or the spreading of gene of resistance. Multidrug-resistant strains were included to emergence-pathogens group: MRSA, penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae, VRE, Gram-negative producing beta-lactamase of type the ESBL and/or resistant to carbapenems. Emergence-pathogens occurrence leads to: therapeutic failures, the use extorts in therapy of dear medicines or with possibility of workings undesirable. The multidrug-resistant strains spread in hospital environment easily, especially on departments about high waste of medicines with the patients’ simultaneously large susceptibility on infection, resulting mainly with state of reduced resistance of organism. The control of hospital infections recognize by present hospitality for the most important criterion of quality of work. Aim: Analysis of the emergence-pathogens isolated during treatment in hospital in 2005-2008, from special regard the ENT Department. Material and methods: 50586 children treated in this period in hospital in which was executed 39386 bacteriological investigations, in this 6528 (12.9%) children in ENT Department in which was executed 1566 bacteriological investigations (3.98%). The diagnostics were executed according to routine microbiological procedures with qualifi cation of resistance to antibiotics. Results: Emergence-pathogens infection was confirmed at 2369 children’s (4.68%) treated in Hospital, in this in ENT Department at 84 children (1.29%). The most frequent emergence-pathogens in ENT Department were Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus pneumoniae penicillin-resistant and average sensitive on penicillin, Staphylococcus aureus methicillin-resistant and Rotavirus. Conclusions: Streptococcus pneumoniae penicillin-resistant and average sensitive to penicillin and Rotavirus infections are the most frequent hospital infections. The systematic microbiological supervision is indispensable in prevention the spreading of infections of the emergence-pathogens in hospital.
Authors and Affiliations
Beata Zielnik-Jurkiewicz, Magdalena Rakowska-Szkudlarek
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