Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія - Year 2018, Vol 11, Issue 19
У статті проаналізовано роман Ед. Джоунза «Відомий світ» і зосереджено увагу на шляхах переосмислення історичного минулого. У центрі уваги дослідження постісторичний поворот у гуманітаристиці та його актуалізація у творі Ед. Джоунза. Роман «Відомий світ» репрезентує замовчувану тему у художньому дискурсі про рабство, а саме про чорношкірих рабовласників. Натомість в історичних дослідженнях така інформація описана. У статті зроблено висновок, що актуалізація теми володіння афроамериканцями рабами зумовлює дестабілізацію монолітності негритянської ідентичності, що уґрунтована на травмі рабства. Крім того письменник відходить від стратегії ретроспективної емпатії та емотивного знання, що характерні для художнього змалювання рабства у афро-американській романістиці ІІ половини ХХ століття. Edward P. Jones’s postmodern historical novel «The Known World» (2003) has initiated a new shift in the fictional discourse of slavery in the US. The realization of his endeavor confirms once again the existence of a new sense of history and a new experience of historicity. The impossibility to capture past in its totality, a denial of its fixity determined Jones’s fictionalization of history. Edward Jones freely constructs and creates his own version of the past, unlike his predecessors who were trying to recreate it or achieve historical faithfulness. The author does not try to reflect the historical reality or distort it; he simply creates a simulacrum of it. This simulacrum of history becomes history through producing census and historical records, as well as historical places. Thus history becomes the fiction and fiction becomes the history. As the narrative continues to unfold, the narrator provides us with historical places, numerous simulated US census and other documents that function as authentic and therefore give the impression of the historical accuracy of the narration, its believability. Additionally, Jones specifies the year of each particular event and connects it to a broader «historical context» invented by him. In the novel, simulacrum of fact functions as a real historical fact and the reader is engaged in the postmodern game called history. Jones invents his own history of the slavery era, where imagined events and places act as historical ones. The author’s playing with the facts and milieu goes along the creation of a complex individuality of characters drawn from the epoch of slavery and historicizing them. Thematic and enriched temporality goes beyond strict chronology. Jones accelerates time, gives it an incredible velocity. This helps him to unfold characters’ lives according to a sort of organic temporality, in which a given moment is deeply connected with earlier or later moments. Temporal shifts are made with the help of the meager author’s factual report. Jones’s abundant use of ellipsis, when the discourse time skips to a later part of not only a specified story time, but to the «historical reality» (invented by himself), makes us believe that we are reading about real historical persons. The theme Jones (re)introduces, that is of black slave owners, correlates with the recent criticism of organic racial identity and essentialist views about collective consciousness. The novel can be located in a broader paradigm of destabilizing the ideology of identity that privileged race, gender, and sexual orientation. In conclusion, Jones introduces a new topic to African American writings – black slave owners, which is effective for destabilizing and deconstructing the idea of organic racial ideology.
Authors and Affiliations
Марія Мирославівна Шимчишин
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