Запас макроелементів та азоту в опаді й підстилці у протиерозійному насадженні сосни Палласової (Pinus pallasiana Lamb.)
Journal Title: Питання біоіндикації та екології - Year 2016, Vol 21, Issue 1
The greatest mass of organic matter annually goes to litter fall in the valley line (9,91 kg/ha), lowest in the middle part of the slope (6,51 kg/ha) that is 66,08 % of this figure in the valley line. The mass of litter on TA3 presented to 65,69 %, and TA4 – 81,01 % of its quantity in the stands in the valley line. Largest stock of bedding is found in the stands of the valley line, which is consistent with the greater mass of needles on the plants and the number of trunks per 1 ha. The least amount of bedding is determined in the middle third of the slope, due to the fact that the site is located at an angle of 45°. Stock bedding on this test areas is 58,71 % to its mass on TA1. In the upper part of the slope, the figure is 66,80 %, and in the lower – 76,60 respectively. The middle part of the slope consist of the most drought conditions thuswise plant growth, number of needles on the branches, its length and weight are significantly less than in other test sites. Perhaps this may explain the much smaller number of litter fall and bedding. In addition, the steepness of the slope causes a partial washout of the litter fall at the bottom, especially in the valley line. Analysis of the fractional composition of the litter fall suggests that the overwhelming proportion of needles, the percentage is almost identical across the whole test line. The proportion of other components of the litter fall is small. This is because the stands are young and vital status of almost all the trees on the test sites is estimated as healthy. The highest percentage in the fractional composition of bedding is needles and trolamine. The proportion of each of components such as branches, bark, cones is more than the litter fall, due to their slow decomposition respectively to other elements of the bedding. It is caused by their poverty in nitrogen and the presence of significant amounts of lignin, resins and conservants, which hinders their processing biota. The amount of nitrogen in percentage in dry mass does not identified differences in valley line and the lower third of the slope. Almost the same content of this element is in the litter fall in the middle and upper parts of the slope, but in these sites it is less than TA1 and TA2. A similar pattern is revealed for elements such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium. The amount of magnesium in the litter fall in all test sites is not different. So, the lowest content of elements percentage per dry mass, except for magnesium, is displayed in the litter fall in the middle and upper part of the slope, which is probably due to the worse ground providing these elements through their leaching. A slightly different ratio of nitrogen and macroelements is in bedding test sites, located in different parts of the slope. The content of nitrogen and potassium are the same in bedding in all plots. The amount of phosphorus and magnesium was statistically different only in the valley line and the middle part of the slope, and potassium – in the valley line and the middle and upper parts. The amount of nitrogen and ash contents, coming annually from the litter fall is the greatest in stands in the valley line and the lowest in the middle part of the slope. As in litter, fall stock of elements (N, P, K, Ca and Mg) in the bedding is the highest in the valley line, the lowest – in the middle part of the slope. There was a statistically significant difference in the ash contents and the investigated elements among all test areas. The share of ash contents in litter fall and bedding can be placed as follows: Ca > K ≥ Mg. Проведен анализ фракционного состава, массы подстилки и опада, содержания макроэлементов в подстилке в противоэрозийном насаждении сосны Палласова (Pinus pallasiana Lamb.) на разных частях склона южной экспозиции урочища Войсковое. Наибольшее количество опада обнаружено в тальвеге, наименьшое − в средней части склона. Запас азота, фосфора, калия, кальция и магния в опаде и подстилке насаждения сосны Палласова (Pinus pallasiana) самый высокий в тальвеге, наименьший в средней и верхней частях склона, что согласуется с массой опада и подстилки на пробных площадях.
Authors and Affiliations
В. П. Бессонова, М. В. Немченко, В. В. Ткач V. P. Bessonova, M. V. Nemchenko, V. V. Tkach
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