Zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa ładunków ponadnormatywnych w portach morskich
Journal Title: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe - Year 2017, Vol 208, Issue 6
The article discussed the issues concerning safety oversized cargo transport in the ports, which are among the most complex activities performed by enterprises forwarding and transport. The article compares the possibility of using different modes of transport for the transport of oversize cargo. Presented solutions logistically safe and proven. Proper selection and organization of forces and resources involved with the transport of oversize cargo at seaports is the main focus of the analysis presented in the article. Characterized issues related to the problems that accompany the carriers during transport and the preparation of such charges, legal acts regulating this type of transport and ways to safety during oversized transport.
Authors and Affiliations
Mirosław Chmieliński, Krzysztof Pałucha
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