Popular music is an indispensable part of peoples’ lives, shaping not only their aesthetic sensitivity and providing entertainment, but it also has the potential to construct their identities. Often having a strictly loc...
The “invented” Muslim-migrants became contemporary “folk devils”. They are portrayed by the media – which play a crucial role in this process – as deviants, who pose a threat to the social order, national culture and val...
The purpose of the paper is to present an image of American society presented in the movie What is eating Gilbert Grape by Lasse Hallström. It is the film that not only represents a consumer society, but promises the com...
Małgorzata Bulaszewska (2015). Zasiedlenie polskiej blogosfery przez digital imigrants. O cyfrowych aktywnościach popkulturowych. Kultura Popularna, 1(43),
123-135. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-80324
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WIERNI JAKO ZASÓB KONTRHEGEMONICZNY. Spór o krzyż w kontekście teorii hegemonii
Nuta po nucie. Lokalność muzyki popularnej a miejska tożsamość
Popular music is an indispensable part of peoples’ lives, shaping not only their aesthetic sensitivity and providing entertainment, but it also has the potential to construct their identities. Often having a strictly loc...
Polska dla Polaków, nie żaden kurwa Ahmed – analiza narracji islamofobicznych w polskim rapie
The “invented” Muslim-migrants became contemporary “folk devils”. They are portrayed by the media – which play a crucial role in this process – as deviants, who pose a threat to the social order, national culture and val...
Metafora konsumpcji. Sposób opisu zmian kulturowych i społecznych w Ameryce lat 80. i 90. XX wieku w filmie Co gryzie Gilberta Grape’a Lassego Hallströma
The purpose of the paper is to present an image of American society presented in the movie What is eating Gilbert Grape by Lasse Hallström. It is the film that not only represents a consumer society, but promises the com...
Performans zmediatyzowany. Hot or not?