Zastosowanie metody fitosocjologicznej w wieloaspektowej waloryzacji terenu oraz jej wizualizacja technologią GIS
Journal Title: Łąkarstwo w Polsce - Year 2016, Vol 19, Issue
The aim of the paper is the presentation of utilization possibilities of a classic phytosociological method during the elaboration of area’s valorisation in terms of habitat, nature, utilization, landscape or touristic and recreational, as well as the implementation of GIS tools for the visualization and correlation of these assessments.The elaboration was presented on the basis of 226 phytosociological releves made with Brauna-Blanquet’s method, in Łąki Pyzderskie meadow complex selected due to the richness of its habitats and flora. The base material obtained during the survey conducted in the years 2012–2015 allowed for the distinction of plant communities among which phytocenoses from Phragmitetea class are dominant.Analysis of the data showed, that the highest natural values represent phytocoenoses halophilous recorded in squares representing the class Asteretea tripolium communities Triglochino-Glaucetum maritimae and class Phragmitetea with a community Scirpetum maritimi. Moreover attributed with their biological, ecological and utilisation characteristics, species observed in the area (233 taxons) showed differentiation in the phytocenoses presented in the releves, in such synanthropisation range. Communities with the highest number of species with medical properties, poisonous ones and used as a feeding base for the bees were determined in the process of utilisation assessment. The implementation of a phytosociological method also allowed for the evaluation of habitat’s state with species’ phytoindicative properties. Whereas indices obtained in the elaboration of previously described valorisations, extended with the assessment of area cover, the determination of the presence of trees, the indices of resistance to recreational utilisation and the determination of aesthetic properties of communities, allowed for the completion of a landscape-touristic valorisation. The implementation of GIS technology in the analysis and visualization of the results of Łąki Pyzderskie valorisation, significantly facilitated the determination of the relation between the parameters.
Authors and Affiliations
Agnieszka Klarzyńska, Łukasz Maćkowiak, Anna Kryszak, Jan Kryszak
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