Застосування е-технік для взаємодії влади та громади


The article deals with dialogue forms of cooperation between government and community. We studied the analysis technique of e-participation and noted examples of their successful use in the par-liaments and governments of different countries. Advantages and disadvantages of e-participation are defined. We analysed the prospects of e-participation techniques for the development of interactive forms of interaction between government and civil society. The main points of the article - a) new needs of people demand a new organization of interaction between them and the state, a new self-government structures; b) IT reduces, optimizes, makes more efficient and closer cooperation between state structure, its function and citizens. Proved that as the experience of the past few years, Internet gives citizens a good opportunity to expand its direct participation in the political process. Examples include online access to decision-making processes, on-line consultation with everyday problems, the online summary of opinions, views and differences and so on. The current problem of every political system is to make as much effort to avoid possible manipulation and abuse of the will of the citizens in the use of information democracy.

Authors and Affiliations

Antonina Mytko


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How To Cite

Antonina Mytko (2016). Застосування е-технік для взаємодії влади та громади. Історико-політичні проблеми сучасного світу, 33(), 274-283. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-203560