Завдання та функції оперативних підрозділів у сфері протидії злочинам, що вчиняються молоддю


У статті розглянуто окремі аспекти виконання завдань та функцій оперативних підрозділів у сфері протидії злочинам, що вчиняються молоддю. Розкрито актуальність цієї проблеми на сучасному етапі реформування системи МВС України, запропоновано авторське визначення цього напряму діяльності. The author of the article has studied certain aspects of the tasks and functions of operative units in the field of combating crimes committed by youth and has offered own definition of this activity. The relevance of this topic in modern conditions at the stage of reforming the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine has been revealed. Besides, the author of this article has analyzed the new legislative provisions that regulate the activity of specific authorized agencies combating crime prevention agencies. Particular attention has been paid to the regulatory content of revealing information, functions and powers of operative units in this area. It has been determined that the reform of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine was carried out in compliance with the principles of: rule of law; depoliticization; demilitarization; decentralization; accountability and transparency in the work; close work with the population and local communities; professional training of personnel. The author has studied the genesis of the creation of a functional and efficient structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the National Police of Ukraine while the discussion on the raised issues; has expressed own scientific point of view on the studied issues and has summarized the current state of the tasks and functions of operative units in the sphere of counteracting crimes committed by youth. The author of the article has stated that the activity of operative units in the field of counteracting crimes committed by youth can not be effective without the consistent, planned, coordinated and systematic actions of state authorities both at the national and, especially, at the regional level. The author has expressed own scientific position regarding theoretical, practical and legislative aspects of the topic of the conducted research, legislation in the field of tasks and functions of operative units in the field of counteracting crimes committed by youth; the author has also offered concrete ways of solving these issues. Besides, the author has carried out the classification of the range of tasks of operative units of the National Police of Ukraine in the field of counteracting juvenile delinquency. Taking into account the importance of problematic issues of the research, the author has concluded that this area of science is the subject to further research or scientific study.

Authors and Affiliations

В. М. Бабакін


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How To Cite

В. М. Бабакін (2018). Завдання та функції оперативних підрозділів у сфері протидії злочинам, що вчиняються молоддю. Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка, 84(4), 202-211. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-542011