The article analyses substantive word modifi cations in the Western Polissian and adjacent
dialects in the context of the *-ǒ- and *-jǒ-stem noun paradigm, and the infl uences
on their formation. It has been found that d...
The forms of expression and functioning of concepts „UKRAINE” and „EUROPE” in
advertisement texts are examined. The features of forming of evaluation and expressive
constituent of conceptual maintenance are traced.
The purpose of my paper is an attempt to defi ne the essence of Stefan Baley’s ethical
views. In acheiving this goal, fi rst I present a brief outline of the content of Baley’s article
entitled “The concept of moral good...
This article introduces the profi le of Vera Kholodnaya – a silent fi lm actress. The work
of the artist, once regarded as one of the biggest stars of the Russian cinema, today is
somewhat forgotten. One of the causes of...
EP ID EP188876
Views 97
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How To Cite
Katarzyna Jakubowska-Krawczyk (2017). Zbiorowy dziennik rewolucji godności. Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia, 5(),
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Вплив іменників давніх *-ǒ-, *-jǒ-основ на формування субстантивної словозміни західнополіських і суміжних говірок
The article analyses substantive word modifi cations in the Western Polissian and adjacent dialects in the context of the *-ǒ- and *-jǒ-stem noun paradigm, and the infl uences on their formation. It has been found that d...
O współczesnym malarstwie monumentalnym
Концепти „Україна” та „Європа” як засоби увиразнення рекламних текстів
The forms of expression and functioning of concepts „UKRAINE” and „EUROPE” in advertisement texts are examined. The features of forming of evaluation and expressive constituent of conceptual maintenance are traced.
Про етичні погляди Степана Балея
The purpose of my paper is an attempt to defi ne the essence of Stefan Baley’s ethical views. In acheiving this goal, fi rst I present a brief outline of the content of Baley’s article entitled “The concept of moral good...
Od Połtawy do Odessy. Wiera Chołodnaja – fenomen gwiazdy kina niemego
This article introduces the profi le of Vera Kholodnaya – a silent fi lm actress. The work of the artist, once regarded as one of the biggest stars of the Russian cinema, today is somewhat forgotten. One of the causes of...